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Friday, May 20, 2011

new york city subway rats

new york city subway rats. Me: So is the rat catcher
  • Me: So is the rat catcher

  • canucksfan88
    May 4, 04:56 PM
    so...for those who cant wait to see the dvd drive removed from the macbook(pro)/mini..etc...how would one burn it onto a dvd? :p

    i would rather a disk, but thats just me

    new york city subway rats. Scroll down for video. Threat
  • Scroll down for video. Threat

  • mdlooker
    Apr 7, 12:13 PM
    Though competition is a desired aspect in any market, from a buyers standpoint, there is still that demand variable.

    I believe that even if Apple takes total market consumption, because it seems to be going that way, the price will dictate how sturdy the dominance will be. So long as they keep the prices affordable, they will have no problems.

    Same applies with with their Macs. If they were to lower the prices, the profit margin would take a big hit but a slow market saturation would occur.

    We need innovation and great experiences, but price moves that demand curve.

    new york city subway rats. I live in NYC Sometimes they
  • I live in NYC Sometimes they

  • Hattig
    Aug 4, 09:44 AM
    I guess that all of Apple's current Yonah based systems will migrate over to Merom or Conroe in the next few months - I believe that Intel will be switching production over to these processors rather than Yonah quite quickly.

    The MacBook will change last, IMO, say in three or four months time. MacBook Pro and iMac will get upgrades quite quickly though.

    new york city subway rats. NEW YORK—The city#39;s subway
  • NEW YORK—The city#39;s subway

  • RebelScum
    Apr 20, 08:53 AM
    I just upgraded to a (2011) 13" MBP and I'm still trying to get a 32 GB iPad 2 (Wi-Fi only) as my first iOS device. I'm giving my old (2010) 13" MBP to a friend.

    But later this year, when my mortgage is paid off, I might spring for my first iPhone (although i'm still concerned the small screen may be unmanageable for me... due to vision issues which may, or may not, be resolved later this year).

    Also, when my mortgage is paid off, I'll consider getting a MobileMe account and next year perhaps a 128 GB iPad 3 (Wi-Fi + LTE/G3 GSM). If I get that iPad 3, I'll give my old iPad 2 to a friend.

    But all this is a matter of treating myself to toys that I do not really need. First I need to focus on financial fundamentals like paying off my mortgage.

    Mortgage? Ahhhhh, MORTgage mortgage mortGAGE.


    new york city subway rats. A rat wanders the subway
  • A rat wanders the subway

  • anti-microsoft
    Apr 25, 09:03 AM
    From what I've read, this really isn't that big of an issue. The database is just a list (that's locally stored) of places that you've been to. If it was uploaded to Apple, I would definitely be concerned but if it's a local file, then what's the fuss?
    To get to the information, people would have to either:

    A. Steal your phone and access the file
    B. Steal your computer and access your iPhone backups
    C. Hack your phone and find the file (if that's even possible)
    D. Hack your computer and access the backups
    E. Follow you wherever you go (unlikely, but who knows)

    To me those options are more worrying when it comes to privacy than a list of coordinates stored locally on your phone, hidden in some sub-folder.

    Anyway, someone correct me if I'm wrong.


    new york city subway rats. NYC Subways. Rat-Eating
  • NYC Subways. Rat-Eating

  • andiwm2003
    Jul 21, 03:12 PM
    i think the macbook should get the chips with 2 MB of shared L2 cache,

    and the pro's get the chips with 4 MB of shared L2 cache

    There will be then a difference between the two models (is having 4mb of shared L2 cache a lot better than 2mb? i have no idea but i presume it is)

    or perhaps just let the blackbook have the 2.0ghz chip with 4mb of shared l2 cache to compensate for them charging for colour

    some review of the core2duo (don't remeber the site but it was very reputable) showed that with current software the 4MB cache gives you only 5-7% over the 2MB cache. the 2MB cache chips are much cheaper so that would be a good alternative for the macbooks. i'd buy one.

    new york city subway rats. NEW YORK (AP) — The city#39;s
  • NEW YORK (AP) — The city#39;s

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 09:26 AM
    I have been wondering the same thing. No matter how good the news is, there are still a bunch of negative votes. It just re-inforces my belief there is an organized effort to discredit Apple on this site. If it was just individuals, I would wonder why waste time on an Apple website if you did not like Apple? It makes no sense in that scenario. I do believe the PC establishment is worried about the possibility of Apple gaining more of a foothold in corporate America.

    Give me a break. People voted negative on this because they are waiting on merom MBPs and now think that, contrary to they're hopes and prayers the past few weeks, that the Merom MBP revisions wont be out until september. This is no clandestine PC-clone smear campaign. who's it going to effect? This forum is full of the faithful, messing around here isn't going to change national opinion of Microsoft or apple products. It's not Steve Ballmer twisting his handlebar mustaches as he chortles to himself, going from one article to the next, voting negative at each. Let's get real here.

    new york city subway rats. but New York City Transit
  • but New York City Transit

  • davidw
    Mar 28, 10:11 AM
    Who even knows what hardware changes the iPhone 5 is going to make?

    iPhone 4 was a major, major, major upgrade. It is still an exceedingly modern iPhone, and it's hard to imagine what they can upgrade from this device. Sure, the new device will be "faster." Sure, it may have more RAM and sure it may have a better camera. It will probably have a larger flash drive inside to hold more music/movies/apps.

    It might even have a slightly larger screen and/or be thinner. That said, the iPhone as it stands is a nearly perfect device. The only significant upgrade I can think of would be to have 4G radios included to increase data transmission rates.

    The iPhone 4 screen is already about perfect. The build quality and construction is incredible.

    When the first iPhone came out it was clearly lacking a decent camera and 3G. When the 3G came out the build quality was reduced and it was too slow with too little RAM. When the 3GS came out the construction was still poor and the screen was beginning to get long in the tooth.

    The iPhone 4, on the other hand, has it all from a hardware perspective. For a phone it's speedy, the buttons feel good to press and it doesn't break easily. It's also totally and absolutely gorgeous and from a tactile standpoint, it is feels good and substantial in your hand.

    Having to "wait" another few months for an iPhone 5 shouldn't be a problem, because getting an iPhone 4 is the equivalent to buying a truly amazing device without any significant flaws.

    new york city subway rats. we told you The New York
  • we told you The New York

  • currentinterest
    Apr 20, 01:34 AM
    I will be buying the next iPhone no matter what it is. My 3GS is getting a little long in the tooth. I am sure Apple will provide something great and the new iOS 5 will rock. My guess is there will be larger screen in a similar form factor, though it will likely be thinner and not have a glass back.

    new york city subway rats. Especially in a city owned by
  • Especially in a city owned by

  • slu
    May 7, 03:37 PM
    There will be a free version of mobileme, if only to save people having to register for a free AIM account to video conference on the new iPhoneHD.

    You know, this makes a ton of sense.

    new york city subway rats. New York#39;s Subway Secrets
  • New York#39;s Subway Secrets

  • iRun26.2
    Apr 23, 09:58 PM
    a retina display on the 13" MBP would be the one thing that would get me to upgrade almost immediately.

    Your reaction is nearly identical to mine (although I am interested in seeing a Retina Display on the 11.4" MBA):

    Double the pixel density on the 11.4" MBA screen, and I will pay $3k for that computer on the spot (even if I just upgraded to the Sandy Bridge version the week before). The stunning display on the iPhone 4 put them into a class unmatched by their rivals.

    I can't wait...even if it still takes years to trickle down to the MBA. Someday all computer screens will have Retina Displays (and we will only see screens where the pixels are visible in a museum). Although I may be dead by then... :)

    new york city subway rats. quot;NYC Transit Police use K-9
  • quot;NYC Transit Police use K-9

  • toddybody
    May 4, 09:21 PM
    (yes, my Internet in the 90s on was cable, at something like 8 Mbps).

    8Mbps in the 90's? I've got 12 now and think that's wonderful...you're probable one of those Xfinity snobs:rolleyes: jk. Wow, I knew non US ISPs push some serious speed...idk why Amurika can't get none a dat goodnis

    new york city subway rats. shows a New York subway
  • shows a New York subway

  • Mal
    Apr 26, 09:16 AM
    That is Fuji-san, and that's how it looks....

    Always nice when someone goes public with their ignorance...

    To be fair, it doesn't always have that color scheme. I've taken several pictures of Fuji, and none have that particular color scheme.


    new york city subway rats. Download NYC Subway Rats Song and Music Video for Free - bigsong.net
  • Download NYC Subway Rats Song and Music Video for Free - bigsong.net

  • karolynaz
    Mar 31, 08:18 AM
    Really? In what sick and twisted world are you living? What's so very different in Lion that it's "not true desktop OS"? Launchpad the end of all?

    He speaks about inverted scrolling.

    P.S. Lietuvos Rytas is better :P

    new york city subway rats. on rats in NYC subways
  • on rats in NYC subways

  • ericinboston
    Apr 18, 04:19 PM
    Samsung will simply pay a hefty amount to Apple and we will never hear anything about this again.

    Exactly. And how different has/is Windows 9x/XP been from Mac OS (and vice versa) over the past 15 years? What about tvs? Receivers?

    Come on...the iPhone look/feel has been out for quite awhile anyway...it's not like the competitors released products 6 months after the iPhone.

    Regardless of how many examples we can list here, this lawsuit ridiculous...a lot of things/products in life are going to look/feel very similar...especially in computers.

    new york city subway rats. NYC subway flasher
  • NYC subway flasher

  • repeters
    May 4, 05:07 PM
    It would be nice to know more details.

    (1) How will users on other than FAST cable modems get Loin?
    (2) How can we make emergency backups? I've been in a number of places were downloading gigabytes of data was not a viable option.
    (3) Did this idea spring from the "mind" of the same genius who came up with the New and Improved Apple Discussion boards?

    new york city subway rats. wants to go to nyc and subway brings Uploaded less about here Recorded footage of Weeksmar , whiskers whiskers believe there will New+york+city+rats
  • wants to go to nyc and subway brings Uploaded less about here Recorded footage of Weeksmar , whiskers whiskers believe there will New+york+city+rats

  • QCassidy352
    Jul 21, 02:45 PM
    I 2nd this.

    Why not update them too? I understand that the MBP is PRO but still. What would the MB's be getting then as far as an update at some point?

    oh, the MB will get Merom, probably just not for a little while. The MBP has been shipping for 6 months, the MB for only 2. The MBP looks a little weak on price/performance compared to similar PC laptops; the MB holds up very well in price/performance comparisons. The MB is still selling so well apple can hardly keep the white models in stock, whereas demand for the MBP is much lower.

    So rest assured, the MB will see Merom, but the MBP will see it first. Probably soon. :)

    new york city subway rats. the New York City subway
  • the New York City subway

  • Stella
    Apr 5, 02:18 PM
    Not really.

    JB is not illegal, its my right to JB my device. Sure, it voids your warranty - but thats a risk.

    Apple may say its illegal, but Apple's word does not override the law of the land.

    new york city subway rats. New York City Subway
  • New York City Subway

  • ticman
    Nov 14, 06:30 PM
    sorry guys but on closer review of the pictures, it does look like the adhesive disk is mounted on the dash and the dock to the disk.

    Aug 2, 05:21 PM
    What isn't new?

    This is what I think:

    -Financial report
    -Update report of Macs using Intel processors
    -Update report of universal applications
    -Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) preview

    One more thing......

    -Mac Pro (Intel powered PowerMac) announced. Will ship with Woodcrest. Will ship early-mid September.

    -(Very slim chance of announcement) Intel powered Xserve

    Apr 10, 11:21 PM
    I've entered enough equations online to know that this equation is almost always interpreted as:


    I appreciate that it's confusing upon first glance, but the answer simply cannot and should not be 2. If this were the case, math would be an ambiguous study.

    It might become more apparent with the equation:

    Surely we should not interpret everything following the first division symbol as belonging in the denominator, including an additional fraction. As Wolfram Alpha interpreted, I intended for my equation to be read as:

    Aug 2, 06:20 PM
    I agree with you that the 30" display is big. I disagree with you about any larger display as being too big. It may be for you but not for others. When I first starting using my 30" display besides my 23" display I thought it was big. Using it with my 17" PowerBook even makes it seem bigger. But the only thing that could hold me back from purchasing a larger display would be the need of purchasing a new computer to be able to use 2 larger screens at the same time. My 17" PowerBook can only use one. My MDD PowerMac can only use one. But that is really a different question.

    Many people seem to have tunnel vision when they use their computers & are or at least think they are happy with one 15" display. Others can see the need & usefulness of a larger display. At least you use a 30". But if Apple would have come out with a 32", 35" or larger display instead would you have purchased it the same as you did your 30" model? Then it would take a 40" or 45" display to be too larger.

    With DualLink only able to support 3840 X 2400 & Single Link only able to support up to 1920 X 1200, there will be a natural size limitation until one of the new systems come around. The need probably isn't there yet, but a couple more size and/or reolution increases would change all of that.

    How long do you think it will be before someone else says that his 45" display is all the larger anyone would ever need, so why make one larger? Whan I sold computers many thought that the 17" CRT was too larger, why go larger than 15"?

    Bill the TaxMan

    I completely get what you're saying. After using my 30" for a little over a year on a daily basis, when using any other system, it's VERY tough. And even when I am using my 30", I often crave even more real estate, especially when working with digital photos, but even when I'm just surfing the web.

    But, at this point in time (2006), I think a 40"+ screen is just simply too large for the average deskspace. Perhaps there's a place for them in production studios, etc., but even with that market, which is already limited, cost is just too big of a factor. To make a panel @ 40" with a resolution of 3840x2400, or even smaller, would be ASTRONOMICAL. We're talking at least $6K for each display, and the power needed to run that doesn't yet exist. Even Quad-SLI on PC's are having trouble running games at native res. Imagine Motion (since we all know OS X isn't a gaming platform) at 3840x2400? The power just isn't there yet.

    Now, I agree, larger screens are the way of the future. But I just don't think that future is here yet.

    Then again, $20 says I'm wrong :).

    Apr 10, 08:41 PM
    Google ECU Pirate and see what comes up :rolleyes:

    My search results returned "college dropout." :D

    Jan 6, 04:41 PM
    I've had mine since November, generally use it in the horizontal position, and haven't had problems with it rattling (and I've got a car with a not-very-smooth-ride). That would suggest that the mechanism is not always loose. I am nervous about it wearing loose over time, because it is surprisingly easy to move by hand, and seems kind of delicate.

    tstreete, nice to see you are still checking in...I remember you were one of the first to get a car kit. In the landscape view, my unit does not rattle, but in the vertical position it rattles a lot and I often keep it like this to charge the phone or listen to music, etc when I'm not using the nav app. I'm going to exchange it and see how I fair while waiting to see what the word on the Magellan kit is. Thanks for your help.