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Friday, May 20, 2011

Unbound Report Format

Unbound Report Format. Format: Unbound (Saleable)
  • Format: Unbound (Saleable)

  • Miles513
    Apr 4, 09:20 AM
    Having been bitten numerous times by McAfee, I never believe their press releases.

    Way back, I subscribed to their virus and firewall software. I tested the firewall, and it worked. Until they updated it to a slicker looking interface. Some sixth sense made me test it again, and bingo, my computer was exposed. McAfee customer "support" was not interested. They had my annual subscription, and that was all they wanted.

    After ripping all McAfee code out of my PC, I was dismayed to find that my employer signed up for McAfee products.

    Months and months of slow PC, followed by bricking thousands of employee PCs with their encryption-at-rest software.
    co-sign, same thing happened to me

    Unbound Report Format. Now your Crystal Report is
  • Now your Crystal Report is

  • Ryth
    Apr 25, 07:35 PM
    But, I didn't "jump" immediately - I always wait a couple of months to see what issues develop with the product line (the 17" range seems to have some graphics issues evidently, which seem to be resolved now) - BUT, with this rumor, do I plump down $4k for a maxed-out MBP now or wait until this new case design ?!?!?!

    I would wait. Considering Lion is coming out also, you might as well wait for the next refresh which I'm sure will be optimized for Lion.

    Unbound Report Format. this form is referenced in
  • this form is referenced in

  • peharri
    Sep 27, 11:45 AM
    In conclusion, the Think Secret article claims Apple expects to sell 25 million of the iPhones in the year 2007 alone. If Apple can pull that off, they will indeed be eclipsing the sales rates even of the highly successful RAZR. Unfortunately for Motorola, SonyEricsson, LG, Danger, Helio, etc., these eye-popping sales figures will come at the expense of all the othe "cool" phones that consumers were paying a premium for (RAZR, Walkman Phones, Chocolate, Sidekick, Helio). And not because these products necessarily compete head-to-head in terms of features, but rather because each person normally owns only one phone. So once consumers prioritize what they want in a phone, I predict many of them will opt to combine their iPod and phone into the same device. 25 million people making that choice in 2007 is not that far-fetched...

    And yet 25 million is a drop in the bucket as far as world wide phone sales go, even phones with MP3 playing features. And, sure, when offered the choice between the free 2-gig MP3 playing phone and the $200 (subsidized) iPhone or the $600 (unlocked) iPhone, they'll go with one of the latters. Yeah. That's the way it works... Ahem.

    So the majority of MP3 playing phones at the end of this, the vast majority, will not be "iPhones". And they'll be made by people who will definitely be hostile to Apple. So the iTS will sell content for 10% of the MP3 playing market, not 50-75%. And Steve Jobs will go to the studios and say "Ok, time to renew. Same plan as before, 99c a song. Who's with me?", and all the studios will give him the finger. And Jobs will say "Hang on", and run out, and call Motorola, and Motorola will say "License iTunes from you? Three words: 100 song limit. You're not screwing us over a second time. Get lost." and hang up. And he'll call Nokia, and hear laughing in the background. And he'll call Samsung, and get the same response. And Sony-Ericsson... I doubt he'll even bother.

    And so tiered pricing will arrive on the iTunes music store. Meanwhile complaints in MacRumors reach an all time high. The iPhone is lame! Why the hell do I have to navigate to VeringulaWeb to download ringtones? How dare you call me a liar! What, the All-Mobile one lets you download it from "Mobile iTunes Store"? What's that? BTW have you guys noticed it keeps crashing, I've had this on Sprodafone for three months and it crashes every time I go to voicemail. I will never buy another iPhone! I will never buy another iPhone! The iPhone sucks! I will never buy another Apple! Apple sucks! I will never buy another Apple!

    We're taking the ThinkSecret story seriously, still, right?

    Apple is going into competition with the all the other cellphone companies. And it's bringing to the table the amazing technology of playing DRM'd MP3s. Something no existing cellphone manufacturer could possibly hope to do. Right.

    But we're taking the ThinkSecret story seriously, still, right?

    *bangs head on desk*

    Unbound Report Format. Save the report and switch it
  • Save the report and switch it

  • milo
    Aug 28, 04:18 PM
    Speaking of returns, is there a possibility of buying the machine and if they don't auto-upgrade me to the new one, return it and buy a new one?

    Only if you buy the machine but don't open the box (unless you're willing to pay a 10% restocking fee). And that's only if you get the standard config, no custom BTO. Plus if you order it, you'll pay shipping back to them.

    this goes to show how behind apple is in updating.
    clearly they arent ready to adapt to an intel platform. the cant even make simple processor adjustments on time!
    all the major companies have made this transition.

    Actually NONE of the pc companies have made the transition. They haven't shipped a single machine with the new chips, just made announcements of shipments days or weeks away (and that was just earlier today...even if apple was behind, they'd only be hours behind, not even a full day). Right now apple is only behind in press releases, which has nothing to do with being ready to adapt to an intel platform. Now ranting about PC companies that haven't shipped the new machines yet...THAT is ridiculous.

    Unbound Report Format. Save and preview the report:
  • Save and preview the report:

  • parkds
    Oct 12, 01:48 PM
    Why is U2 so big with iPods anyways? The only group to have their own iPod. :confused:

    (I don't mean to be disrespectful to the U2 fanboys out there)

    Could be because Bono bought Steve Jobs apartment in New York City from him.

    Unbound Report Format. to unbound and multiply
  • to unbound and multiply

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 31, 01:22 PM
    Why is Apple first ditching the Apple Expo and then upstaging it with a keynote on the day it opens?

    It looks like Apple has pantsed the Apple Expo.

    Maybe it's because the movie store will be US only which wouldn't go over well in fair Paris.

    Maybe it's because Steve Jobs cannot travel.

    Maybe it's just a crazy rumor.

    Unbound Report Format. Format: Unbound (Saleable)
  • Format: Unbound (Saleable)

  • angrylawyer
    Apr 22, 03:20 PM
    As long as it doesnt shudder with the OS X animations and it plays 1080p smoothly, why does it matter? Do people really game on an Air?

    I play simple games like portal and amnesia on it, and even those will get mine quite toasty.

    Unbound Report Format. Format: Unbound (Saleable)
  • Format: Unbound (Saleable)

  • Vegasman
    Mar 30, 11:57 AM


    I think this is enough to show that Microsoft is unequivocally correct. The term has been in use for much longer than Apple's launching of the store and it has been ubiquitous in the computer industry for a long time.

    The way to distinguish (if it needs to be done) between app stores is by saying the name of the app store before hand, ie the Apple App Store, the Amazon App Store, or the Microsoft App Store.

    Examples of uses (Dvorak in his references to "killer app"):

    2005: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/a-k...or-real-estate
    2004: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1599324,00.asp
    2003: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,1191830,00.asp

    Unbound Report Format. First volume in quarto format,
  • First volume in quarto format,

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 19, 09:18 AM

    While I didn't buy my HTC Android because it "looked nice," I did buy it because it was the most iPhone-like phone experience at Sprint at the time. I now pay for that decision everyday (iOS 1.0 puts Android 2.2 to shame) and cannot wait for my contract to be over. Steve Jobs would put someone's head on a pike in front of 1 Infinite Loop if Apple ever released an OS this half-baked. Say what you will about Apple's walled garden, but the Android market is more like a flea market complete with grifters. I've given up buying apps after too many that caused frequent crashes.

    Verizon iPhone 5, you cannot arrive soon enough.

    iOS 1 puts Android 2.2 to shame?

    Now you are just talking out of your @ss. In all honesty the difference between iOS and Android is so subtle.

    Unbound Report Format. keeping the unbound pages
  • keeping the unbound pages

  • apolloa
    Apr 30, 06:09 PM
    Thing is though... if the new top end MacBook Pro 2.3 can keep up with and beat even a current 8 core Mac Pro in some instances and trounce the quad core model, just how powerful is a top end Sandy Bridge iMac going to be :eek::confused:

    And seeing as Apple blessed us with quad core in the laptops, I would bet my remainder of my hair on my head that the top end iMac option at most will have six core sandy bridge :D

    Unbound Report Format. One (probably unbound) Access
  • One (probably unbound) Access

  • manosaurus
    Oct 12, 12:57 PM
    My gues is that all these whiners would not even notice if you snuck in at night and swapped out ther procesor for a C2D chip. They'd just wake up the next moring fire up the computer and never even notice.

    It's like those audiophiles who argue endlessly about if gold plated or silver plated speaker wire sounds better.

    Oh... Core 2 Duo gold and silver plated speaker wire tomoorow too!

    Unbound Report Format. “Unbound” when form is in
  • “Unbound” when form is in

  • varera
    Apr 20, 10:56 AM
    Wonder how long this item will remain here...the one on Engadget managed about 7 minutes. ;)

    nope, it is still there, just updated

    Unbound Report Format. Demonstration Of Unbound Form
  • Demonstration Of Unbound Form

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 22, 12:02 PM
    The resolution stayed the same on the 13" Pro. The 13" Air has a higher resolution, but perhaps that's to preserve a selling point. I don't think the Sandy Bridge IGP would have any difficulty driving the 1440x900 display.

    You don't think ? Seriously people, we had 1440x900 displays 10 years ago, on GPUs that had about 1% the graphics processing power of today and about a tenth of the RAM.

    Heck, the 9400M could power external 30" monitors at their native resolution of 2560x1600 at the same time it powered in the laptop's internal display of 1280x800 without breaking a sweet.

    What's so hard to grasp that the MBP's resolution staying at 1280x800 has nothing to do with the GPU in SB ? :confused:

    Have you guys never used computers 10 years ago ? CRT monitors at 1600x1200 ring a bell to anyone but me here ?

    Unbound Report Format. An image of the Form he uses
  • An image of the Form he uses

  • LagunaSol
    Mar 23, 03:34 PM
    As a long time PC user who is just getting frustrated with the windows experience, I am looking forward to seeing what Mac has to offer in the coming months.

    I've been using Windows since 3.1 (ugh) and Mac since 1990. I use both today - Mac by choice, Windows not by choice.

    I think you're in for quite a pleasant surprise if/when you make the transition.

    I converted to Linux in 2007 and Mac in 2009 after using Windows since version 3.1 and don't miss a thing! It's true what they say "Mac's just work."

    The resident professional Microsoft astroturfers will be here shortly to point out the error of your ways. ;)

    I heard lame snide remarks like yours when USB first showed up. "Only Macs have it! Are you sure compatible devices will arrive within 22 years? What USB devices are you planning to buy? When will they be available?" You don't even have the name right. Meh.

    The diehard Windows apologists have a hard time seeing beyond the monitor in front of them.

    Unbound Report Format. an inside report from the
  • an inside report from the

  • gugy
    Aug 28, 12:39 PM
    I dream of a new macbook pro enclosure...

    wake up then, because it won't happen for awhile.
    The current enclosure is very nice, so why change it?

    Unbound Report Format. Oversized and unbound, Jimon
  • Oversized and unbound, Jimon

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 29, 06:43 AM
    If Apple wants to be competitive on a hardware and software basis Apple will have to make sure they release the best possible Intel Processors they can get their hands on. Apple really needs to release Core 2 Duo products by september, they could afford to stockpile chips in the G5 days but now it's Intel and the competition is releasing products with similar specs as Apple.

    Unbound Report Format. Lover Unbound (2007)
  • Lover Unbound (2007)

  • markjerard
    Apr 4, 12:59 PM
    Very sad. Someone lost their life over something so trivial. And sad that the guard has to live with knowing he took a life. :(


    I would not say that committing armed burglary and shooting at an outnumbered security guard is "something so trivial".

    The guard can live with the fact that someone tried to take HIS life, but fortunately he was trained well enough to defend himself successfully.

    Quit feeling sorry for criminals who CHOOSE to be criminals, and try your best to figure out that the person perpetrating the crime is NOT THE VICTIM!

    Unbound Report Format. unbound by the shackles of
  • unbound by the shackles of

  • sushi
    Sep 13, 03:10 AM
    did anyone notice how he called MahJong "May-Hong"?
    Yep. Got a little chuckle out of that. Fun game.

    Unbound Report Format. of the form or report:
  • of the form or report:

  • xper
    May 3, 10:38 AM
    So when is the ACD gonna support thunderbolt?
    When? Well, ACD has supported thunderbolt since day one.

    Sep 19, 02:02 PM
    It took my Black MB about 70 mins to download "Deuce Bigalow". This was over a decent but not great motel WiFi setup, and I was downloading some other stuff for about half the time.
    You were downloading Deuce Bigelow in 1080p, or in 640x480 from iTMS?

    Sounds more like 640x480. So by extrapolation 1080p which has 6.75 as many pixels would be somewhere like 2.5-6 times as long to download. i.e. it could take up to 7 hours to download.


    Mar 22, 02:38 PM
    The Mac Pro is NOT overdue! No update until spring 2012 when SB server chips are readily available.

    Jul 20, 01:22 PM
    I hope nobody's brought this up because I skipped a few pages of the thread, but...

    I've noticed some things with regards to pricing.

    The current 1.86 GHz Yonah in the 17" iMac costs $294.
    The new 2 GHz Merom costs $294.
    A 2.16 GHz Merom costs $423.
    A 2.16 GHz Conroe costs $224.

    A 2.16 GHz Conroe is a full $70 cheaper than the 1.86 GHz Yonah in the iMac today and $70 cheaper than the 2 GHz Merom Apple would use if they went with Merom. This would allow either higher profit margins or a price drop (or they could put the extra money into something else).

    If there is a power supply problem- I'm sure it won't cost $70 to increase the power supply capacity a little.

    If, instead, there is both a heat and power issue- a 2.16 GHz Conroe underclocked to 2 GHz is still $70 cheaper than a 2 GHz Merom and probably outperforms it, and can be advertised as a desktop processor and completes Apple's lineup.

    I'm strongly hoping for Conroe in an iMac. I also hope the iMac gets updated at WWDC. I really don't want to wait anylonger to make the purchase, and the back to school deal expires in September two days after MacExpo Paris.

    From what's been said, it looks like Conroe doesn't run too hot, it just sucks too much power. However, it still saves a lot of money to use, a little which can be put in to increasing the power supply, and the rest is pure profit for Apple. It also provides a huge leap in performance.

    Apple can bump the iMac from 1.86/2 GHz to 2.16/2.4 GHz. The 2.4 GHz Conroe costs $107 less than the 2 GHz Yonah in the current 20" iMac, which could even spell a price drop, additional features, or just a huge Apple profit margin.You're the first one to bring this up. Conroe is well worth the money for its processing power. Getting a higher output power supply for the iMac shouldn't be to hard. So, I really do hope Apple somehow puts a Conroe in the iMac. :D

    Oh and no underclocking please. :p

    Sep 5, 09:49 AM
    The store is updated but will show the new content on the 12th i guess, available the day itself.

    Mar 22, 01:42 PM
    As someone looking forward to buying my very first Mac desktop; I must say this is a pretty lame rumour. 'Sandy Bridge'? 'Thunderbolt'? Nothing surprising; everyone here was expecting these two items. I want more specific rumours!:p

    The wait continues...:(

    The guy across the street who has a friend named Phil Jobs that works for Apple says it'll also be 'truly magical'