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Friday, May 13, 2011

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  • geese
    Nov 23, 11:19 AM
    I already own Apple and cannot see Rim's advancing any more than a few points on the news.

    You own Apple do you? My! You've kept a very low profile!

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  • kallaway1
    Aug 4, 12:02 AM
    ...Steve Announcing Full Line Shift To Core 2 ASAP Monday. My favorite scenario may come true. :)

    ahhh, I share your dream! even if merom is only in the mid-level whitebook and the blackbook, i'd be fine with that - as long as they don't make me wait to get the chip I want in the enclosure I'm lusting after :D

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  • wangagat
    Jul 21, 03:24 PM
    something to remember about product update cycles:

    iSight iMac G5 came out in October '05, Intel iMac came out just 3 months later... in January '06.

    just thought I should remind everyone.

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  • poppe
    Aug 4, 12:13 AM
    AnandTech to the rescue!

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  • battaxan
    Dec 10, 02:06 AM
    I accept with information:Voice Control occasionally comes up with some pretty funny ways that it pronounces names, and you have to pronounce it that way if you want that particular name to come up.

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  • nagromme
    Apr 23, 04:24 PM
    This sounds like planning FAR ahead, but I like it!

    My eyes! My EYES!!!
    Retina display means the opposite of what you may fear: it doesn’t mean tiny menus and unreadable text, the way traditional computer displays look when tons of extra pixels are crammed in.

    Instead, it means MORE readability: added sharpness of the same, nicely-readable, text sizes. Like an iPhone 3GS vs an iPhone 4.

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  • prady16
    Sep 15, 05:57 PM
    Any idea about the pricing of the new MBPs ?

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  • Stella
    Apr 18, 04:20 PM
    Actually, YOU win. The United States provides for patents to "promote" and "further" advancements in the things that we all come here to discuss everyday. One can argue the merits of such a system but that is one of the purposes of the patent laws. Basically, incentive to make the world a better place for all.

    Take away the incentive and there might not be as much innovation.

    What you describe is the ideal world.. however, patents are abused these days.

    Patents are used to squash competition, and in many occasions, they have done. Company A sues Company B to bankrupcy over patent dispute. Company B held the patent...

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  • iris_failsafe
    Jul 21, 08:27 PM
    It seems Intel is always on time or ahead g schedule, does anyone miss Motorola or IBM?

    I don't

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  • onetoescape
    Mar 29, 09:40 AM
    Just remember part of this is that if you buy Amazon digital products they are added to cloud service and they not counted towards the limit. That for me makes the 5gb or 20gb less to worry about. Same price itunes and amazon but free hosting in the cloud as a backup who would you choose?

    This is a very exciting prospect. You want 2 dogs fighting it out to make each other better.

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  • ebuc
    Jul 21, 05:40 PM
    True, but I like my Alu book look - I'd have no problem with a intel powered version. Although marketing being marketing, I'd like to see something new fresh, and awesome too.

    BTW ebuc, your sig is nearly exactly what I'm planning on having. Looking at a cube 450 for a home server, and I already have a 20gb iPod. Cubes, insanely great.

    <Apple Font>
    The All New
    Blogging (wtf)
    MacBook Pro
    A New Look for the Newest Laptop from Apple

    (Cubes are the greatest. Put a radeon 9000 in there if you can. Mine needs a new hard drive right now, but its been going strong for over 5 years. And, truth be told, this isn't the original hard drive, so I can't really blame Apple!)

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  • Northgrove
    Mar 30, 03:48 AM
    Too bad to hear, but I also have to think about the victims in Japan when hearing these kind of news, or unemployed workers due to the extensive damages. Those who want to build those batteries for us, but can't, and have to look after their family members instead. A situation an order of a magnitude worse than this... :(

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  • dentaldoc
    Apr 26, 03:53 PM
    It doesn't take a genius to predict that when proprietary OS, making essentially one model of phone, is compared to essentially the rest of the world, that the open OS, having perhaps 30 companies manufacturing perhaps 50 or so models of phone at any time, that they will garner a bigger market share.

    Apple couldn't get enough parts to compete with 30 companies if they tried. They don't want to. Apple is not trying for world dominance. They are trying for perfection. Just as there are more Ford Pintos in the world than Bentleys. Who cares.

    So, in response to this "amazing" statistic, I say, SO WHAT!

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  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 07:49 AM
    Where did you get that I'm not in the 288 camp ? That is the proper answer, the equation is not ambiguous.

    I know you are in the 288 camp. It's odd we agree but don't at the same time!

    You say the answer is 288.

    I say the likely answer is 288.

    I can't go so far as to say the answer is 288 as I don't think it is correct to take / at face value. I don't think that is what the author intended.

    EDIT- Just noticed my avatar shows this! People using horizontal lines not diagonal. Feel silly I didn't notice earlier!

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  • bedifferent
    Mar 31, 09:43 AM
    You are mixing up badly. That example shows that humans who can read, are trained to rely on what they read almost blindly rather than identifying a color. This means, Apples choice of making the icons grey makes it indeed easier to recognize as there is one less distraction. An even stronger conclusion would be: Leave the icons away completely, because reading is much faster.

    Icons were useful in the 1990s, when the number of pixels on the screen was small. Nowadays, just use text, it is way better. Look at websites, icons are used very sparsely. Text is the way to go.

    Hmmm perhaps I misinterpretted it (which is embarrassing as I was a psychobiology major lol). I know my mistake now. The full study demonstrated that for individuals who are more visually oriented (rely upon visual cues as opposed to verbal and mathematical) they process the color and not the word more readily. That's what I get for a quick reference to Wiki lol.

    So I suppose it depends on each individual and their inherent (whether natural or nurtured) ability to process that information. Personally I test off the charts for spatial reasoning (and my math sucks lol) so I respond faster and more efficiently to reasonably colored graphical cues. For those who don't the grey is great, just give us a choice! Lol

    I'm sure CandyBar will be updated for Lion theming. I have a folder with all the finder etc icons I use for apps and system icons (even icons for the System Prefence pane such as the newer display icon)including a black glass dock and icons with simple yet detailed in colors of blue, black, white, etc that I simply drag and drop into their respective resources folder. I even made color replacements for the Finder sidebar in the various three sizes (16, 18 and 32 for small, medium and large) yet in every resource folder for sidebar system icons I find nothing has changed. Oh well. It was fun to learn some new underpinnings of Lion.


    So where exactly did I personally insult you?

    Perhaps I misread your tone. Since comments between others on MacRumors almost always become increasingly personal and hostile I may have read your comment with a condescending tone (although the "lol" above isn't helping ;) ). If that wasn't the case then I sincerely apologize :)

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  • peharri
    Nov 26, 05:57 AM
    Now, here's a larger picture thought to ponder...

    If Apple goes to market with the iPhone, then this is going to open up (to some extent) the viability of a F/OSS community cell phone. And this is a really good thing as well because it represents a non-commercial, enthusiast entrance into what up until now has been a totally proprietary, locked-down OS-based product world. It has the potential to do to cell phones what Linux has inspired in Mac OS X.

    There are already GNU/Linux based cellphones. And what about the iPhone implies that it would be open in a way that, say, an average Nokia isn't? I appreciate they ported GNU/Linux to the iPod, but for the most part the reason similar things haven't happened on more regular cellphones has been an issue of the amount of work involved, with it being somewhat harder to write a GSM stack from scratch and port a kernel than it is to simply port an off-the-shelf kernel. (And I guess there's the additional issue that there are six zillion cellphones using about one quillion completely incompatible hardware platforms, whereas there are only a handful of MP3 players and only one that's achieved marketshare heaven.)

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 20, 12:31 AM
    I'll be buying that phone as my first iDevice :)

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  • nazaar
    Apr 5, 01:31 PM
    Get the F over it Apple...
    I just recently JB'ed my iPhone and it's sooo much better.
    It's my device. I paid for it. I should be able to do what ever I want with it.

    Don't give in Toyota!

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  • Gasu E.
    Apr 25, 08:25 AM
    I'm not impressed if this is where the iMac display is potentially going , the current GPUs can barely drive the resolutions they have now in anything other than simple desktop apps . , can you imagine what video card you would need to drive a game (say portal 2 which has low to modest requirements) at 30fps + on a screen with 3200 or higher resloution ? Well whatever that GPU is , apple will ship with the one released 2 years ago and half the RAM it shipped with on the PC .
    Think I ranted a bit then , sorry :rolleyes:

    :) I think you are just seeing advance preparation for something that won't happen for a while; moreover, when it does happen, it will start with smaller screens and work its way up to the larger ones over time. By the time it works up to a 20"+ displays, GPUs will be much more powerful.

    Don't panic
    May 3, 09:23 AM
    after reading the rules a couple of times:

    - secret powers: other than not knowing who is what, do we know what the secret powers are and how they work?
    - monsters/trap: do we know how many there are at the beginning? what is the range of their powers? why does the villain has two turns, isn't it the same as if he just gets 4 points in that double-turn? or does he get to move his minion. attack, heal, place new monsters/traps move monsters twice every round?
    - moving: move to door means open the door and get into the next passage/room? can monsters move and open doors once they are placed?
    - are attacks automatic? when do they occur in the turn?
    - can the villain/monster fall into the traps?
    - how/how fast does the villain move?
    - the villain stats are 16/16 plus 2/2 for each hero alive or 16/16 minus 2/2 for each hero dead?
    - does the villain knows where the treasures are?
    - can you toss dwarves?

    Mar 27, 03:09 AM
    And how does Apple own the market?

    50% of ALL mobile profits, biggest and best App store?

    May 3, 11:17 PM
    Nope. Ask me what the cost advantage of wearing my Adidas runners over a pair of wooden clogs is when I go out. I couldn't tell you. But I can appreciate the obvious benefits of the metric system in theory and in practice without making it all about short-term financial gain, and I think you could too if you took the time to look at it objectively. I am just thankful my country made the difficult decision back in the 70s when my biggest challenge was learning to wee in the potty.

    So then you can't speak to whether or not it would actually be cost effective for the country to switch.

    As another commenter said, you owe your kids better.

    I'm not convinced that my kids are any worse off. I grew up speaking two languages (hearing three) and using different types of measurements. I have confidence in my future children to be able to handle it like generations of Americans have before.

    May 4, 11:56 AM
    As Rosius forced the gargantuan double doors open, the ground rumbled with the weight of the doors scraping the floor.

    Before the group is a huge entrance, the far walls barely perceptible in the darkness. "We go in," Rosius stated once again as he led the way into the mansion.

    The moment the last foot left the earthy ground and settled on the marble floor, the gargantuan doors screamed and slammed shut behind the group. Only Rosius was unfazed, shouting "it matters not! We are not leaving without the Artifact!"

    Lamps suddenly lit up around the room, the flames waving gently in the wind that came from the outside and trapped.


    The booming voice shook the floor. Again, only Rosius was unfazed. "I have come to slay you! Your evil will be short-lived!" shouted the Wizard.

    Only laughter replied the Wizard's words, booming around the room, coming from everywhere and nowhere at once.


    The heroes explores the room. The Entrance is a huge room with columns at each sides leading to several stairs at the far end of the room. There seems to have been a throne upon the top of the stairs, but nothing is there. Instead, something is glowing on the floor near the leftmost edge of the platform.




    Aug 4, 02:22 PM
    of course they're adopting core 2 duo's... duh, so is every computer maker out there. intel is trying to transition very rapidly into core 2 duo and phasing out the "old" core duo. to do this they've priced the core 2 duos at exactly the same cost as the core duo's with the same clock speed/configuration. you would be stupid not to adopt. i just hope apple doesn't surcharge and tout core 2 duo as a monumental upgrade for the laptops, becase it's only incremental at best. the real gain is the conroe on the desktop processor. as long as the FSB in the portables isn't 1,000 mhz, merom won't be that much faster than yonah.