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Friday, May 20, 2011

dollar bill font

dollar bill font. 15 5 dollar bill 1896 msp1
  • 15 5 dollar bill 1896 msp1

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 12:09 PM
    so, counting plutonius, mscriv and aggie we are 8!

    dollar bill font. blank dollar bill template
  • blank dollar bill template

  • Small White Car
    Apr 5, 02:28 PM
    Yeah and that's what the loyalists said in the 80's, and there's less than 10% of us in the market now. You talk about security, but it's not a security threat to have a jailbroken user... oh wait, unless by security you're talking about someone picking up my phone and changing my home screen to 16 icon view instead of 12 that apple limits me too... oh the humanity. Call the pentagon, we have a breach... user is trying to put more icons on his screen than apple wants. Wake the president.

    Ok, so you don't know how jailbreaking works. Here's the deal:

    Jailbreakers find a flaw in the OS and find a way to break in. That same flaw could be used by hackers to attack my non-jailbroken phone.

    So Apple has to fix that hole to protect me. That has the side effect of not making the jailbreak anymore, but what do you want them to do? They have to protect me, the customer, when they find a security flaw. Right?

    So that's what they do. Anyone who argues that Apple should just leave secuity holes in their OS isn't really being realistic.

    dollar bill font. the antique dollar bill
  • the antique dollar bill

  • shartypants
    Apr 7, 12:17 PM
    Who wants a RIM playbook anyway, hehe.

    dollar bill font. dollar bill font.
  • dollar bill font.

  • archipellago
    Apr 26, 04:34 PM
    That's a narrow and erroneous view. Are there some parallels? Sure. There are however some important differences.

    First, market share is not anywhere near as important as revenue share. Apple is absolutely trouncing Google and everyone else in this area.

    Second, developers are not making any money on Android, as it's user base appears to be comprised of spend-thrifts. It doesn't matter how many people you have using the platform, if developers can't sell applications that well then the lure isn't as strong. Combine that with the exceedingly frustrating fragmentation and inconsistent experience from device to device that makes the task of even writing an Android application that much harder, and it is less appealing still. Will that slow Android down? No, as there will always be customers for the Wal-Mart of mobile operating systems. It does, however limit them as any sort of real 'threat'.

    Third, let us not forget that absolute whoring out of hardware at 2 or even 3 for 1 deals is a huge factor in this surge in usage. It's quite easy to inflate your numbers when you hand stuff out for free. Again, in reference to my previous point, they really aren't doing the platform any favors long term, as it will bring down the revenue curve.

    Fourth, these numbers are for the US only. The worldwide picture is very different.

    Why wouldn't he? iPod touch and iPad run the exact same mobile OS. Just because there is no real competition to either of these devices in the Android space, doesn't devalue their presence. Truthfully, I always take a skeptical stance on the motives of any 'report' on mobile OS usage which conveniently leaves these devices out. Smacks of fomenting, it does.

    Yeah, cause that's been working out really well for them so far. Look, you can have your irrational "I hate Apple cause they are cool, and I rail against anything popular, cause I'M NOT A CONFORMIST!!!" BS all you want to. It doesn't change for one second the fact that Apple innovates, and everyone else imitates and tries to make all the money they can on the back of Apple's IP.

    Personally, I'd say enjoy it while you can. Apple has been establishing precedent with its patent litigation against smaller targets. Now they are taking on a medium-sized one in Samsung, and once that victory is complete, Google will be the next to fall.

    Look, I'm all for good old fashioned competition. But somebody besides Apple has to step up to the plate and actually create something. This whole me-too copycat crap is wearing thin.

    I have no clue how to respond to this tripe.

    The last time someone was this wrong, he was waving a piece of paper and calling it 'peace in our time'

    dollar bill font. dollar bill font. american one
  • dollar bill font. american one

  • roland.g
    May 4, 02:52 PM
    I would get a new iMac now if I knew that Lion would run SL pricing at $29. Otherwise I will wait for a preload. But obviously pricing and a release date won't be forthcoming prior to WWDC at the earliest. Guess we will know more in about 5 weeks.

    dollar bill font. The US One Dollar Bill depicts
  • The US One Dollar Bill depicts

  • motulist
    Aug 7, 04:54 PM
    Jobs finally delivered on his 3 Ghz promise! ;) :D :D

    dollar bill font. dollar bill secrets
  • dollar bill secrets

  • Hattig
    Jul 30, 07:13 AM
    Someone above mentioned the software that would be required on the Windows side for syncing.

    Well, in the supposed leaked 10.5 screenshots a month or two ago, people noticed that iCal and Address Book appeared to be merged into a single application.

    Apple's got its interface libraries and more working on Windows already - iTunes, Quicktime. I'm sure that whilst not simple, it wouldn't be too hard to get this new PIM application running on Windows. Same with iPhoto, for camera phone pictures.

    So the iPhone's Windows software pack would comprise of iTunes, iPhoto, and iCal/iPIM. Clearly iPIM will have iSync capability integrated into it, much like iTunes and iPhoto manage their own data syncing themselves. I hope there is a way to sync text and multimedia messages too. Indeed iPIM may be more targetted for these phones, and include necessary photo syncing capabilities from iPhoto itself.

    On the Mac, the iPIM (someone think of a better name!) app may be separate from iCal/Address Book/iPhoto/etc, but merely sync the data to each of these applications' datastores, whilst providing a simplified GUI interface for each of these datatypes in a single application.

    What do other people think?

    dollar bill font. dollar bill font.
  • dollar bill font.

  • throttlemeister
    Mar 31, 12:39 AM
    Yup. Ever since our government and our dollars allow larger companies to strong arm smaller businesses to manufacture their products cheaper overseas, thereby shutting down American plants and businesses, we shot ourselves in the collective foot.

    Google Walmart and Rubbermaid. The growing trend in overseas production was kicked in high gear when Walmart threatened Rubbermaid that they would pull their product if they didn't shut down their American businesses to manufacture their products in cheaper bulk in China. Rubbermaid refused as they employed thousands of Americans, and not just in production plants but in marketing, etc. In 1994 Walmart pulled all Rubbermaid products from their shelves, Rubbermaid lost 60%+ of their business, almost went bankrupt, was bought by another company, shut down their plants, and acquiesced to Walmart. Walmart then went into the towns where Rubbermaid once employed so many and built Walmarts. Now ex-Rubbermaid employees who had pensions, 401k's and 100K+ salaries are forced to shell out cheap Chinese goods at minimum wage.


    AND GET READY, now that the Supreme Court has ruled that politicians can receive UNLIMITED FUNDING from CORPORATIONS, we will see even more corporate Amerikkka placing their divested interests into Washington. More nuclear power plants and waste and BP oil spills? "You betcha! Drill, baby, drill" and keep those lobbyists working! :rolleyes:

    FACT: the biggest cargo ship to date was built in China, it carries manufactured products to the US, and garbage disposed of FROM the US. The mid-20th Century, we were one of the biggest producers of quality goods in the world. Now, with a failed education system, 60%+ of our money going to our military to obtain natural resources and less money to become an educated and healthy global member, we are simply "meat with eyes", consuming everything that is marketed our way, spending our money through Goldman Sachs and producing almost NOTHING.
    Yes, it's the government's fault, together with corporate America. Easy ain't it, blaming politicians and greedy CEO's? How about taking a long hard look at your own (aka The Consumer) behavior? Why do you think Wall-Mart is so big and little Mom & Pop stores are all but extinct? The Consumer does not want to pay for American/European/Western made products, they want cheap, cheap, cheap. The Consumer does not care about quality, they want the cheapest possible product, and then bitch and whine when it fails. You, The Consumer, is what made corporations go to Asia and other cheap labor countries, because you, The Consumer, refused to pay for the 100k+ salaries, 401K and pensions of working Americans. You can't have the cake and eat it too. If The Consumer wanted quality products that are Made in the USA, they would have bought them and it would be a selling point for the companies making them.

    Stop blaming politicians and corporations for the results of your own buying behavior. Take some responsibility for your own actions for a change.

    Anyway, I can't wait for Lion. I am sure it has features I will not use, and I am just as sure it has features I really love. And if I don't like it, I can always go back to SL, or even completely move away from Apple. It is not like Apple is the be all, end all and I am forced to use their product. There is plenty of alternatives out there.

    dollar bill font. DStubbs
  • DStubbs

  • coder12
    Apr 18, 04:14 PM
    Don't bite the hand that screws you. :eek:

    That's what she said?

    dollar bill font. five dollar bill, front
  • five dollar bill, front

  • polaris20
    Apr 18, 03:55 PM
    Can only be 1 reason, Apple are worried.

    If they felt totally confident in their product then they would not feel any threat from others and need to try something like this on.

    If Apple cannot beat them....they sue them. Way to go Apple, you are devoid of morals and innovation.

    When can we officially say that Apple is now the New Microsoft?

    You guys clearly have no idea how patents work.

    Absolutely not True......they MUST sue or they lose rights to the patent. Its the way the system works

    No. They're protecting their IP.

    Ding ding! We have a couple winners. Finally someone on MR that gets it.

    Show me something that works as well BEFORE Apple demoed the iPhone.

    Technology =/= usability.

    If you hate Apple then why are you doing here?

    Because it's Mac Rumors. Where the trolls/Apple bashers roam.

    dollar bill font. dollar bill font.
  • dollar bill font.

  • URFloorMatt
    Mar 27, 04:17 PM
    These are just RUMORS! They will do at least some. Most likely, NFC, antenna fix, and IOS upgrade.I know. I'm just pointing out how the rumor flow on Apple products this year has been extremely negative (in the sense that speculated features are not coming/have been delayed).

    dollar bill font. lt;font color#000000
  • lt;font color#000000

  • 21stcenturykid
    Aug 11, 04:43 PM
    Dates!! I just want to know dates!! Not until september, please Apple, release the MBP with Merom processors this month!!

    And make it available inmediatly, that same day!!

    That's all I'm asking for, no more....

    dollar bill font. How to turn a $1 ill into
  • How to turn a $1 ill into

  • techpr
    May 4, 03:11 PM
    Releasing on MAS is posible in some sort of .DMG, .IMG Image ready to burn on DVD or copy to USB Key, Look at Xcode 4 for example. Apple may put detailed instructions on how to do it on the MAS description page.

    The question is: How Much?

    dollar bill font. Dollar Bill Collages by Mark
  • Dollar Bill Collages by Mark

  • wclyffe
    Jan 7, 11:44 AM
    Guys & Gals, I'm thinking of having BLT ship me this, if and when they get it in, after seeing this video!!

    Magellan Car Kit for iPhone


    dollar bill font. dollar bill font.
  • dollar bill font.

  • amanset
    Aug 2, 12:40 PM
    To be clear... that was for the standalone iSight camera not the embedded iSight camera's available in the iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, etc.

    Yeah I know, hence me thinking they might release a new iSight one of these days seeing as the old one can't be sold in Europe.

    dollar bill font. dollar bill font photoshop one
  • dollar bill font photoshop one

  • shiv
    Sep 16, 12:38 PM
    As long as they at least announce the 17" MBP C2D, I'll be happy, even if it isn't immediately available.

    They released the C2D iMACS altogether. I would be really surprised if they didn't do AT LEAST the same to their pro line-ups.

    dollar bill font. american dollar bill owl. on
  • american dollar bill owl. on

  • tf843364
    Aug 4, 12:14 AM
    Never buy an apple product!!!
    As soon as you do something new and better comes out!!!
    I am typing this away on my new Macbook, Core 1 Duo; which i bought under the self-brainwashed reasoning that the MBP alone would see 2x2. Why you ask? Cuz I figured hey, the MB JUST came out, why refresh it every 2 months! The MBP has been out like 8 months, that makes sense.
    I can only PRAY I am right.
    No that my Macbook will be instant crap... I just COULD have waited until september.
    Damn you apple...

    dollar bill font. 2 One Dollar Canadian ill
  • 2 One Dollar Canadian ill

  • BRLawyer
    Nov 27, 03:29 PM
    It is always so refreshing to meet someone who knows more about your business than you do. I was going to respond to this, but have decided to just accept you do not like tablets, and nothing is going to change your mind. :mad:

    Nope. Tablets are indeed interesting, and I am sure Apple would do a great job at relaunching them...I just think there is no real market for them, as they are just squeezed between powerful notes and powerful PDAs/cellphones...not to mention that handwriting recognition is still NOT up to par.

    Besides, most mock-ups here show a rather enhanced iPod, than a REAL tablet...so this means most people want/need only a grown-up PDA, instead of a tablet as such...and I couldn't agree more.

    dollar bill font. US dollar bill-style face,
  • US dollar bill-style face,

  • Northgrove
    Mar 30, 03:48 AM
    Too bad to hear, but I also have to think about the victims in Japan when hearing these kind of news, or unemployed workers due to the extensive damages. Those who want to build those batteries for us, but can't, and have to look after their family members instead. A situation an order of a magnitude worse than this... :(

    Jan 25, 07:36 AM
    Regarding using a case with the tom tom kit--I bought a casemate (comes shiny and somewhat rubberized) and it fits fine in my tomtom car kit.

    check out the website. maybe it's a solution for you.

    I have used the Case-Mate Barley-There and am currently using the Marware MicroShell with the TomTom car kit. They both work fine.

    Jul 30, 08:12 PM
    -At least 5 megapixel camera, I'd love to minimize the amount of things in my pocket by combing my camera and my cell phone ( i hate the beast but my mother makes me carry it) but there isint a camera phone good enough to actually use to take a picture other than an imac G5 in an elevator.

    - The inablilty to do "texting :) :) :) :) :) :) " although there would be an option for "texting" but if someone were to select it a dialogue would come up , "YOU ARE RETARDED, just call them." the only option would be, "get hit by a bus"
    5 megapixel seems unrealistic for a cellphone camera right now, but it would sure be nice, I have a 1.3 megapixel camera on my phone, just because it's 1.3 megapixels doesn't mean it's good quality, how do we know that the 5 megapixel camera will be any better? could be as grainy or worse as a low end VGA/megapixel camera :( but knowing Apple, some people will pay a shiny red cent for high quality camera anyways (esp Apple fans)

    I disagree for inability to do texting, say if you are in a different country, where it costs say $3/minute just to call someone, or 50c just to send a text message (receiving is usually free), big difference if you just want to send a message of "I'm at the door" or "I'm leaving right now", I'm currently paying for long distance since I'm in a part of Canada that is not my home region, any time someone not from the area I'm in calls ME, I pay for it, and any time I call someone from home, I pay for it as well, so text messaging has really cut down on bills, I don't go over my minutes as much anymore with texting, since 90% of my calls were 1 minute or less calls, so thats where text messaging comes in handy. Although I would rather use a blackberry-like device with free email (if there was such thing, or have an email-only plan that doesnt require a data plan, like text messages)

    Apr 9, 08:34 PM
    Same brand scientific calculator, two different answers. :rolleyes:

    Apr 26, 02:22 PM
    And yet the entire Android platform generates less revenue in a year than iTunes does in a single quarter.

    Mar 28, 11:14 AM
    This better not happen. Seriously.
    Or else what?

    Several things. Apple's stock growth will slow, and the price will take a hit. Big deal? Maybe, maybe not. But I can tell you definitively that there is a large amount of padding in the price based on Apple keeping up with it's own defined yearly cycle. The successive cycle that has stayed strict through every iPhone, iPod, iPad, and iOS launch for 5 years has created a pattern that Apple must stick to, or risk losing ground in the mind of investors.

    No one ever expected/demanded Apple to go to a yearly cycle for such advanced refreshes, but they're the ones who chose to do it. If they now begin to fall behind, the growth they've seen WILL suffer, no ifs ands or buts about it.