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Monday, May 16, 2011

princess kate wedding dress

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  • acslater017
    Apr 18, 02:57 PM
    couldn't Samsung simply get back at Apple by NOT making Apple's stuff? I mean, come on.

    It's a two-way relationship. By "getting back" at Apple, they'd probably be giving up their biggest customer.

    All of these companies are interconnected. They support each other when it's beneficial, they attack when it's beneficial. The "wars" between game consoles, HD discs, and other competitions make strange bedfellows...

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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 18, 03:21 PM
    There wasn't a phone that looked or worked like the iPhone until the iPhone. Now how many clones are there?

    There wasn't a Tablet that looked or worked like the iPad until the iPad. Now how many clones are there?

    Apple is absolutely justified in going after them for copying their UI and design as far as I can see. I'm shocked that it's taken this long.
    There was at least one phone that "looked" like an iPhone before anyone new what the iPhone looked like.
    Does the Prada ring a bell? Probably not to most of you, but it was first to market with that basic "look".
    As for the UI, old WinMo phones had grids of icons on the desktop, so again, not a unique "look".
    Next one will be arguing about the spacing or the number of icons per row. Nit picking I say.

    The iPad is not "innovative" in it's looks or design either. It's minimalism at it's best. So simplistic that it will be tough to defend in court. It is a logical basic design for a tablet.
    As for how it functions, it's technically the iPhone with a larger screen. So the argument of functionality fails as many devices functioned similarly prior to the release of the iPad. Screen size is irrelevant.

    Now I do believe with the icons Samsung chose to use combined with the layout, one could logically argue that Samsung was copying the overall UI from iOS. I believe that is where Apple's case is with the phones.
    Easy for Samsung to remedy. Ditch the TouchWiz UI... it sucks anyway.

    Still failing to see the argument on the Galaxy tabs though... Honeycomb looks nothing like iOS ad Samsung hasn't uglied them up with the old TouchWiz UI overlay.

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  • 28monkeys
    Apr 23, 06:20 PM

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  • davisjw
    Aug 7, 05:43 PM
    Time to sell the wife and kids...

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 21, 02:03 PM
    Sheesh. This is a 180 from waiting for G5 updates.They're much more predictable with Intel's roadmap.

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  • cr2sh
    Nov 22, 01:59 PM
    Apple is partnering with an air-time provider so they will not get to keep much of the per-month fee, they will have to make money up front with hardware sales unless they can offer some non airtime monthly service like .mac

    No. I don't see apple "partnering" with anyone. This will be an Apple phone... the carriers will line up to sell the next hot thing. If Apple "partners" with Cingular.. the phone loses part of its apple identity... I don't see it happening. Plus it invites someone else to the table.. I don't understand why Apple would do this.

    Ah gotcha, with the max/min talk. NM.

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  • nagromme
    Nov 26, 12:54 PM
    I want the smallest possible device that can run OS X apps--and maybe that means no keyboard. 12" is too big a screen, and laptops/convertibles are thicker because of the keyboard. An on-screen keyboard or stylus would still allow input, and I'd be able to work on a short notice without lugging my massive 15" laptop anymore! And when at home, client's office, friend's house, etc. I'd plug in a borrowed keyboard and/or display for better productivity.

    If home automation expands the market enough to bring me such a device, than good :)

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  • mdntcallr
    Nov 22, 08:31 AM
    i am sure apple is finding the world of phone carriers complex and difficult.

    The biggest hangup of theirs is probably the sale of media and ringtones. They simply probably do NOT want Apple to provide the solution. Even if Apple's storefront is better, they will not want money going elsewhere.

    that said, Apple's best option here is to simply launch the product themselves. Offer a GSM phone that is unlocked. The phone companies will get a clue later on when people want the product

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  • err404
    Apr 5, 04:06 PM
    The problem is that people want to think of an iPhone as a PC. They apply PC analogies and logic. However the reality is that the cell industry has more in common with appliances or consoles. It's traditionally a heavily curated environment.

    Apple: Start with a "restricted" system and open it up to allow for PC like advantages. (The App Store is an example of this)

    Google: Start with an "open" system and lock it down to meet carrier needs and leverage the advantages of curation. (The Google Market place is an example of this)

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  • newbididewbidie
    Apr 20, 12:23 AM
    New processor...same package. Works for me!

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  • xpipe
    Apr 6, 05:36 PM
    I just bought the Xoom a few days ago. I had considered purchasing an iPad 2, but instead of more-or-less duplicating my previous iPad purchase, I thought I'd try something new. I have mixed feelings, but overall I am quite happy with the purchase.

    The Xoom hardware seems sturdier to me, but that could just be in my head, and the device feels more powerful to me. The Xoom has a larger, higher-resolution display than the iPad, but the iPad has a much higher quality display. That's an issue for a device that is, essentially, one big screen. One aspect in particular that seems far superior to iOS on the iPad is web browsing, which is likely my most frequently-used feature of ether device. The Xoom blows either iPad away in this regard. It offers near desktop-speed performance in its included browser, with none of the checkerboards and frequent page reloads of the iPad. I'm not sure if this (page reloads) is primarily due to the greater RAM, or the fast speed of the browser; perhaps it reloads so fast it doesn't matter. I don't want to restart the whole flash debate, but I watched quite a bit of flash-based internet video and the device didn't get hot nor did the battery take a disproportionate hit. In fact, the battery life has really been great...two very long evenings of heavy usage, and there's plenty to spare.

    Multitasking is also quite nice. One of the first apps I downloaded was a (free) great radio app, and as I was listening to the radio I intuitively started web browsing and going back and forth between a few other apps and it wasn't until I received and replied to a message from a friend that it occurred to me that I was having a really cool and full mobile computing experience. I feel that as iOS and Android (Honeycomb) stand right now, Android offers a lot more potential to serve my needs. To realize this potential, though, they need apps and Apple dominates in this area...not only in quantity but in the overall polish of their top-tier apps. Apple's iOS itself is likewise more polished, and the Android team definitely needs to iron out some of the wrinkles. Not showstoppers, mind you, but Apple clearly had the more mature, stable OS.

    So now I have two tablets. I have two computers at my desk, an iMac and a PC, and I can use both of those, but I can't quite figure out how two tablets figure into the equation. I know I'm more excited by the Xoom than I was after I first used the iPad, and I was quite excited by the iPad. Time will tell, but I'm currently leaning more towards the Xoom.

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  • maccompaq
    Jan 5, 04:20 PM
    With full respect for your decisions, if you'll pardon me, I think that's a little bit crackers. :D

    How do you know if your machine isn't part of a botnet? Have you eschewed only AV and simply subsist on your router f/wall and software firewall? Only run as user not admin? None of the above? Something else?

    I have a bunch of Windows and Mac computers in my house. Everything is backed up onto every computer. If I should ever get a virus, I would just go to another computer. The infected computer would be reformatted later without a worry about losing anything.

    I would know immediately if ever infected by a botnet.

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  • timbloom
    Apr 22, 12:24 PM
    Go back and read my post please...thoroughly.

    I am referring to the wider market. Sure, you manage 600+ Mac workstations. But on the grand scale of things, thats not worth anything to Apple.

    Put it this way:

    Why spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on redevelopment for an audience of, lets say 50,000 customers when you can spend the same amount on an audience of 1million+ customers. See my point? The server market for Apple is clearly not worth it. Yes, it sucks big time for people like yourself who rely on it, but at the end of the day Apple will focus on products that bring in cash, not products that break even at best.

    Have you ever heard the phrase "all your eggs in one basket"? Diversification at Apple is very needed at the moment. Half of their profit comes from the sale of one device. Say that the iPhone 6 was a flop, imagine having to tell your investors you're losing 50% projected profit nearly overnight. Something like that can crush a company. You want diversification, and apple has the resources currently to really invest in some fairly stable markets such as enterprise. Currently their inroads are IOS in the enterprise, if they can leverage that to sell servers for management it will feed back on itself and support more mutual growth between mac and iOS in these coveted markets. Apple should have struck harder in this area during the vista debacle, but their mac team brushed off the opportunity.

    A machine like this with dual purposes is a godsend for us. It means apple only needs production lines for one case, and we get a more flexible server and workstation in one. True hot swap bays on a mac?! F-yeah! I can convince my clients to hook up a rackmount mac pro server in their data center or server closet. LOM is nice, but I don't think it's going to be a make or break deal in most businesses. I don't see why it either couldn't be an optional module with the Server preconfig, or on all of them with the prices apple charges.

    The server market is the backbone of the business market. Macs will be niche in enterprise as long as the backbone isn't there, and stronger than last time.

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  • Nuvi
    May 7, 01:47 PM
    Most people don't understand the fundamental differences between iDisk and Drop Box. If Apple was to build a front end to iDisk that stored the file locally and then sync'd over WebDAV in the background they'd be able to offer the same performance.

    Hope this helps.

    Eh... iDisk is stored locally then synced in the background. When you work on your iDisk files you edit the local file on HD which is then synced to the cloud. Sorry mate but I guess you fall into category of people who don't understand the fundamental difference between iDisk and Drop Box. iDisk file transfer speed is dead slow and Drop Box is fast...

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  • SpaceMagic
    Nov 26, 10:24 AM
    It'd be SO cool but I see it as being far too modular. You have to buy this, an airport express and iTV to get the end effect.

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  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 01:25 PM

    3840x2160 resolution
    56" Screen
    10 bit color

    Came out exactly a year ago.

    Or one from Sharp (came out 4 years ago)

    4096 x 2048 resolution
    62" screen

    Actually beasts! How do you know about those then?

    I think the Dell 30 inch is still relatively higher PPI though right?

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  • Kate Middleton Wedding Dress

  • alent1234
    Mar 28, 09:58 AM
    They also will start having 3GS users come off of AppleCare contracts.

    Nobody will buy a new iPhone if their's breaks after AC is up ...knowing that maybe in the Fall we will see an iPhone5.

    Again, leaves to much of an 'open window' for defections based on frustration, etc.

    ...and as pointed out already by others... I agree, iPhone4 is already a dated design. delaying will just erode Apple's lead in the ever growing mobile hardware market.

    Everyday another competitors comes along... it is no longer 2007... their lead is not what it use to be.

    us 3GS users have been eligible for upgrades since last month

    i was going to wait for the iphone 5 but my 3GS had water damage so i went over to android

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  • mfacey
    Jul 30, 01:45 AM
    What's with everybody thinking this will be too US centric? I'm guessing a possible music download service will be USA only at first, but in all honesty the European and Asian cell phone markets are about 3 years ahead of the US as far as technology goes. Chances are, Apple will make it a GSM technology phone, which is actually quite international!

    Even so, the USA is in dire need of a decent cell phone. The fact that the Razr is so popular says it all. The Razr is a terrible phone (along with most other Motorolas for that matter). And the rest of the selection available is pretty sad too!

    Personally I'm hoping for a smart phone of some sort, preferably with a full qwerty keyboard. But I'm not holding my breath.

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  • ruffdeezy
    Nov 5, 02:01 PM
    Who cares.
    It's an epic rip off.

    I hope the next report out is how they only sold 10% of what they forcasted for these pieces of junk.

    Apr 18, 05:02 PM
    How dare Samsung use a black rectangle with rounded corners! * sarcasm*

    Nov 2, 03:37 PM
    We use Sophos at work and love it! Can't wait to start using it at home too.

    just out of curiosity, what type of work?

    Apr 5, 04:31 PM
    Jobs should just make an iCar and show Toyota how to do it!

    Apr 26, 04:06 PM
    How odd. I know a lot of people with iPhones and absolutely nobody with an Android based phone.

    One thing to keep in mind is Android is just an OS and Google makes nothing on it. Meanwhile, back on the ranch, iPhone/iOS is an entire platform and Apple makes a lot on it. Android is fragmented. iOS is unified. Android is made up of many vendors each with a much slimmer part of the pie. iOS is Apple with a huge piece of the pie. So in the end, iOS is far ahead.

    Besides, there's iPad and iPad2 which makes the whole thing moot.

    May 4, 04:43 PM
    You metric people ought to hook up with the military time people.