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Saturday, May 14, 2011

semana santa guatemala antigua

semana santa guatemala antigua. semana santa en guatemala.
  • semana santa en guatemala.

  • floatingspirit
    Jul 30, 11:25 PM
    i think i'll buy a Macbook instead

    Here! Here! I second that! :)

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Estas cambian de semana a
  • Estas cambian de semana a

  • fivetoadsloth
    Apr 10, 07:25 PM
    Mathematica 8. As far as I am concerned the most powerful math software available. People don't shell out thousands of dollars for a product that can't do basic math.


    semana santa guatemala antigua. Guatemala Semana Santa
  • Guatemala Semana Santa

  • The Monkey
    Apr 7, 10:17 AM
    I see the short sighted Apple pom-pom shakers are once again giddy with excitement. The juvenile remarks are embarrassing.

    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.


    Unfortunately, most posters here think Apple always acts in the best interests of its customers. Kind of cute, actually.

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Cuaresma and Semana Santa
  • Cuaresma and Semana Santa

  • senc01a
    May 6, 06:01 AM
    If this turns out to be real, and windows 8 doesn't support ARM or for whatever reason doesn't run on Apple ARM laptops, this will be a major disaster.
    Even though I hardly ever use windows, I migrated to Mac because I could use it if I ever needed to.

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Antigua, Guatemala
  • Antigua, Guatemala

  • dba7dba
    Apr 26, 03:13 PM
    They will activate it for you in store so that shouldn't have been an issue.

    what about updates?

    semana santa guatemala antigua. La celebración de semana santa
  • La celebración de semana santa

  • l008com
    Jul 29, 09:09 PM
    If apple could get one of the phone carriers to go with the free song plan, maybe one of the smaller ones like Alltel, they could single handedly turn Alltel into a major player. Alltel and Apple would both win. And it probably wouldn't be long before the crappy carriers decided to carry the "ipod phone" with free song loading anyway.

    I'm a big fan of the Motorola E815. Best for just talking, and great for doing more. Of course verizon disables most of the great features so you can pay verizon $5 a month for the same abilities the phone was already capable of.

    Alternately, Apple could do something really big like buy one of the companies like Alltel, or create some sort of major partnership where Apple has a say in the service, not just selling the phones. Apple could be the provider, and your phone could come with free (minus airtime) Safari Jr for web browsing any time :-) That would be fricken sweet.

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Pero es en Semana Santa,
  • Pero es en Semana Santa,

  • SBlue1
    Apr 5, 03:10 PM
    boooo! :mad:

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Semana Santa in Antigua
  • Semana Santa in Antigua

  • Tastic Bycrom
    Apr 21, 02:32 PM
    I hope they call it the MacServe :D

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Semana Santa in Antigua
  • Semana Santa in Antigua

  • kallaway1
    Aug 4, 12:02 AM
    ...Steve Announcing Full Line Shift To Core 2 ASAP Monday. My favorite scenario may come true. :)

    ahhh, I share your dream! even if merom is only in the mid-level whitebook and the blackbook, i'd be fine with that - as long as they don't make me wait to get the chip I want in the enclosure I'm lusting after :D

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Antigua Guatemala
  • Antigua Guatemala

  • leman
    May 6, 02:15 AM
    Your app is prolly simple enough that you could do that. Consider more complex apps such as games and video-editing that require extensive use of the x86 architecture. That's the real problem.

    People who still use assembly in their software are just sad. There is absolutely NO reason to use CPU-specific stuff, not anymore, as we have OpenCL and similar tech for performance-critical parallel computations.

    The only field where hand-coded assembly makes sense are interpreters.

    And in all seriousness, that is the real issue. Switching from x86 to ARM RISC is a really big problem because the benefit of x86 is that so much work has been done on it, porting Windows apps and/or games is simply a software coding issue as opposed to hardware. Even if ARM had comparable processes to x86 to compensate to some degree, that's still another series of steps to go through.

    And this is precisely the reason why the inefficient and outdated architecture like x86 is still alive. If Apple has the courage to make the first step towards a better tech: I will applaud them.

    Or even better, just build x86 chips in-house like they do with the A series.

    You are joking, right? x86 CPU is a completely different pair of shoes from the ARM CPUs. Later can be designed easily. First ones are absolute monsters in terms of complexity. Intel has decades of design experience which all live in their current CPU line. Destroy all the information about Sandy Bridge designs from Intel servers, and it will take them at least 5 years to reconstruct it.

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Semana Santa in Antigua.
  • Semana Santa in Antigua.

  • Zendokan
    Apr 20, 10:23 AM
    Here in Belgium a combination pack of iPhone and a subscription is still illegal, so all the iPhones are around the same price, namely 749� (yes, euros) for the top model (sucks, doesn't it).

    So when the iPhone5 comes out, the iPhone4 will become 100� cheaper, that's too small a difference to let the iPhone5 pas by. Unfortunally because the price is so high and we can choose our own telephone subscriptions I buy them in 2-year cycles.

    For me the iPhone5 can be an upgrade of the iPhone4 with the same design. Just change the backside from glass to metal.
    I'm looking out for September.

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Holy Week (Semana Santa) is
  • Holy Week (Semana Santa) is

  • aristobrat
    Apr 25, 08:56 AM
    So Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.
    No. Re-read the three sentences he typed. He said that Apple is not tracking anyone. That infers that the database of locations is not being used to track a users location.

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Holy Week (Semana Santa) is
  • Holy Week (Semana Santa) is

  • Oilbrnr
    Apr 7, 10:47 PM
    I'm so sick of the tree hugging, let's all play nice and help everyone out attitude. How about the slackers get off their @$$ and do something for themselves.

    Welcome to MacRumors! Home of the bleeding left. :D

    Personally, I love how Apple is spanking everyone. Jobs is a visionary, and to argue differently is being ignorant.

    Sad thing, there doesn't seem to be anyone else on the horizon to fill that void when he is gone. As Howard Stern or Robin mentioned on the air a couple of weeks ago, Steve is the Thomas Edison of our/my generation.

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Semana Santa (Holy Week) was a
  • Semana Santa (Holy Week) was a

  • wacky4alanis
    Nov 4, 04:17 PM
    It is cheaper to buy a standalone unit. But then you have to carry around 2 things instead of 1. For some people (including me), that is the major selling point of using the iPhone for navigation. I don't like bringing stuff with me when I travel. The more my iPhone can do, the less junk I need to take with me. It has already replaced my iPod and my laptop. If it can replace my Garmin too, I'm willing to pay extra to make it work.

    As for the apps that download maps on the fly, I'm not interested in those as my ONLY navigation solution. There are plenty of places I drive that don't have any cell coverage at all, let alone 3G. I want an app that has the maps preloaded. I haven't decided between the available apps yet, but I am leaning towards Navigon. If their traffic thingy works well, I'll most likely go that route.

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Santa in Antigua Guatemala
  • Santa in Antigua Guatemala

  • scu
    Nov 22, 03:08 PM
    Wasn't it exactly the same story with the iPod?

    You took the words right out of my mouth.

    I remember when Napster and Rio laughed at the iPod and iTunes, and 5 years later.:rolleyes:

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Honduras for Semana Santa.
  • Honduras for Semana Santa.

  • Starbuckfsd
    Apr 25, 08:23 AM
    Image (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/23/apple-including-ultra-high-resolution-artwork-in-lion-for-possible-retina-displays/)

    Image (http://images.macrumors.com/article/2011/04/23/171415-background.jpg)

    A finding earlier this month (http://osxdaily.com/2011/04/02/new-mt-fuji-wallpaper-in-mac-os-x-lion-developer-preview-2/) by OSXDaily has generated some speculation about Apple's plans for "Retina" display Macs. The Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 2 released in late March (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/30/apple-releases-mac-os-x-lion-developer-preview-2/) included an ultra-high resolution version of the background desktop image at a resolution of 3200x2000. A few observers noted (http://punchingin.com/chasing-the-6-4-megapixel-unicorn/) that this is higher than any Apple display has ever supported, generating speculation (http://theelaborated.net/blog/2011/4/13/consider-the-retina-display.html) that Apple is preparing for "Retina" display Macs in the near future.

    We had previously reported (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/02/24/mac-os-x-lion-building-in-support-for-super-high-resolution-retina-monitors/) that Mac OS X Lion has made some under-the-hood changes opening the door to such super-high resolution displays. Now, MacMagazine.com.br has found (http://macmagazine.com.br/2011/04/23/macs-com-telas-retina-nao-sao-duvida-quando-eles-chegarao-sim-ainda-e-uma-incognita/) that Apple is already starting to include other super high resolution artwork in Lion. They found several icons stored as 1024x1024 sizes, up from a previous maximum of 512x512.

    Image (http://images.macrumors.com/article/2011/04/23/171147-23-lion_appstore.png)

    Click for full-size

    Of course, this support for super high resolution displays is only the first step, but suggests Apple is planning ahead when the hardware becomes available.

    Article Link: Apple Including Ultra High Resolution Artwork in Lion for Possible Retina Displays? (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/23/apple-including-ultra-high-resolution-artwork-in-lion-for-possible-retina-displays/)

    Oh please. Give me a break! Do you nitwits HONESTLY think there will be retina display Macs in the near future? It's total BS. If they did, the cost of said Macs would be prohibitive to the general public. Why do you think there aren't retina display iPads? IT'S TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE! C'mon guys...you're beginning to sound like CNET

    semana santa guatemala antigua. La Cuaresma y Semana Santa en
  • La Cuaresma y Semana Santa en

  • Consultant
    Mar 29, 08:51 AM
    Hilarious that companies are copying Apple rumors now.

    Arn, we need an article that Apple is developing a space ship!

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Semana Santa - Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala Travel Blog
  • Semana Santa - Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala Travel Blog

  • mlrproducts
    Aug 11, 09:34 AM
    Yes but remember Leopard is not going to be only 64-bit, it will run 32-bit and 64-bit applications side by side.

    And also that it won't be out til January or later... plenty of time (closer to the 1st of the year) for them to upgrade..

    semana santa guatemala antigua. Semana Santa Carpets 2,
  • Semana Santa Carpets 2,

  • Horst
    Aug 7, 05:07 PM
    As for prices, any word on compatibility with 3rd party Ram and internal hard drives ?
    You can't possibly run a Pro rig on a meager 1 Gb of Ram, and Apple charges 1100$ for a the minimum 4 gig upgrade :rolleyes: .

    Also, the new HD slots look kinda custom...

    Without non-Apple options, the real price of the new desktops will make them very expensive for serious users, at least for early adopters.

    Apr 21, 02:32 PM
    Yes, but where is my Sandy Bridge Mac mini?!

    May 3, 11:26 AM
    Hmm, interesting. I'm not eligible since I didn't play in Intell's last game, but this looks like fun.

    Apr 18, 04:40 PM
    So, are we talking about these patents?

    Inventors: Zadesky; Stephen Paul; (Portola Valley, CA) ; Lynch; Stephen Brian; (Alamo, CA)
    Correspondence Address:

    Sep 11, 05:49 AM
    Its simple.

    We get:
    MBP updates and maybe MB updates
    Movie Store
    6G iPod (not touchscreen) & Nano updates
    One More Thing....Media streaming device (Cube re-incarnation) or headless tower (unlikely)

    Thats it.

    Too early i think for 10.4.8, replace it with iTunes 7 and i think your set ;)

    Still not sure they will distract from the movie stuff with MBP, MB or other hardware updates except the streaming video stuff (as it ties into movies)

    Apr 9, 08:53 PM
    No it doesn't. It is perfectly noted and not ambiguous at all. Feel free to ask any teacher, what do you think is missing from the equation? Btw, what are basing your 100% figure on? Have u asked even one?

    (48/2)(9+3) would be straight forward. The way the formula was originally typed lends interpretation as:


    Why would someone choose to group one set with parentheses and not another unless they were being intentionally ambiguous?

    Did you call your elementary school teacher? I didn't. They taught me well enough the first time.